What is a Neocolonialism? | Question of Asia

Original photo by The Policy Times

The most important event occurred after the second world war in Asian countries just as India, Pakistan, and the Philippines are exercising independence from the hands of powerful nations. But despite this, the desire of such is still noticeable for powerful nations to pursue their interest in the conquered country.

Many countries have emerged and were defeated in World War II Global. The modern kind of conquest appeared to maintain power, neocolonialism, and intervention. Neocolonialism is new and another kind of exploitation of the poor in that country. According to political science, this retains control of a former colonialist in its former colony. It was gently and stealthily the procedure of conquest.

Many nations became slaves of exploitative countries are preferred just be popular, feared, and get rich. Some of these are called Super Powers countries (Russia and United States)Many thought that their liberation was peace will finally be achieved but they were mistaken. The nations occupied are not fully acquired freedom. The conquest was intended to stabilize the investment of the colonialist country, prevent the achievement of true freedom and get bigger business profits.

Imperialism was further intensified during this period in economic, political, military, and ideological aspects. Considered the most important component of this system is the availability of innovative methods of industrial and financial investment.

Neocolonialism is a type of political and economic problem that which all states whether rich or poor can be involved. Often, countries belonging to the Third World experience this because of having weak economies as well. This can be seen in the dependence or dependence of weak countries on countries belonging to the First World or the countries with developed economies and industries. Large countries aim to stabilize investment, prevent the achievement of true freedom, and get greater profits from the business.

The Westerners took the lead in occupying various countries in the Southwest when they discovered its wealth in oil and gas. Countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq hold large oil reserves in the world. The importance of petroleum and oil is not hidden from everyone's knowledge. These three countries are also part of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC which controls the price of oil throughout world trade.
