Impact and Type of Neocolonialism | Question of Asia

Type of Neocolonialism
  • Economics - This is shown by the pretense of giving aid and lending for the development of a country but in reality, it is only tied to policies in his favor.
  • Cultural - Foreigners present their music, dance, shows, literature, etc. that people value more than their own works.
  • Political - By peaceful means, the powerful are able to control governance in poor countries such as through elections.
  • Military - Western countries are able to help former colonies that are in danger of being occupied or invaded by other countries.

Impact of Neocolonialism

Neocolonialism has had many effects on the countries it occupied and exploited. It is as follows:
  • Continued enslavement (Continued slavery) - Due to the continued dominance of the west, the true meaning of the word Independence is - the small countries continue to obey and bind to the colonial and capitalist interests of the west.
  • Loss of pride (Disgrace) - The influence of the conquerors had the effect of forming in the minds of the people that all the things from the west were excellent and sound, so it led to a loss of interest in their own culture and products.
  • Overdependence (Excessive dependence on others) - People are overly dependent on rich countries, especially in relation to the United States.
